Some of the subjects covered in this post are Time. I gave the girls some easier Time workbooks to complete as they are well past learning this stage of time telling now but thought it would be good practice for handwriting numbers. So I found some on the hour and half hour worksheets in their books to have them work on. We took out more age appropriate worksheets that focus more on the hours and minutes after handwriting with the easy sheets. For models the girls used their Montessori Clock which works as a nice visual to remind them about the five increments on the clock. This is familiar to them because of skip counting and working with their skip counting bead chains. We also used a great clock which has the minutes printed on it including the half hour mark and quarter to/past markings.

We did work with the blue counting materials focusing on place values in their math workbooks (and carrying over ones and tens).

We have been working on fractions again and the girls have really enjoyed this material. We also spent some time working with the geometry shapes which is a Montessori Material. After we talked about each shape the girls matched the names of the shapes to the cards. We then a series of worksheets which reviewed this information and finally following it up with a discussion about right angles and an introduction to the concepts acute and obtuse. We will follow up with the geometry cabinet and metal insets (not pictured) tomorrow.


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